The Modern Woman's Guide To Pastry-Making (2022)



“The Modern Woman’s Guide To Pastry-Making”

The Modern Woman’s Guide to Pastry-Making is an experimental narrative short film exploring companionship, codependency, and scones.

Living together in an idyllic, isolated cabin in the woods, two women spend an afternoon together baking. As we begin to learn more about their outwardly tender relationship, we discover the tolls that their seclusion is beginning to take. While these women do have a genuine, strong connection, they’re both haunted by past traumas, and are using their home and bond as a distraction.

This film is greatly inspired by the love sonnets of Pablo Neruda and the filmography of Chantal Akerman. It looks not just to emphasize the importance of female relationships, but to touch upon the romanticization of codependency and the nuances of healing. This is a story about intimacy and love, and dealing with the problems that can persist despite that.

follow the project on instagram @pastryfilm.



  • official selection / NFFTY / Seattle, WA, USA / April 28-May 1

    • Jury Award Nomination for Best Experimental Film


“Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because

Then the little drops of anguish will all run together,

the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift

into me, choking my heart.”

- Pablo Neruda, excerpt from Love Sonnet XLV